Martijn van Nieuwenhoven

Freelance Laravel Developer

You can hire me as a senior Freelance Laravel Developer.

I have more than 10 years hands-on experience with the Laravel Framework!

In those years I have built a wide range of applications from small single purpose websites till enterprise applications that run global for thousands of users and generating millions of revenue.

In those applications I have a very high standard when is comes to code quality.

"It just works" is not good enough and merely a baseline statement when it comes to application code.

Code must be easy to read, easy to test and easy to change.

Applying techniques like Domain Driven Design (DDD) and Test Driven Development(TDD) while ensuring low Cyclomatic Complexity, makes sure that you get code that goed a long way and is easily tranferable to other developers.

Laravel Code Reviews and Assessments

Want to have an extra pair of eyes on the code that have been written for your application?

In my extensive experience, I have wrote and seen tons of codebases.

And yes, I have made my fair share of mistakes as well to know firsthand that suboptimal code is always written with tbe best intentions and based on information that was available at that time.

That experience helps to identify traps and future problems in applications, that are build for you to support your business for the years to come.

If you want to get some extra insights, please give me a call to see how I can support you!

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